Last month the municipality announced that two Playa Del Carmen beaches were in the process of applying for Blue Flag status. The municipality of Solidaridad is happy to announce that Playa Del Carmen has been awarded a Blue Flag!

Playa 88 to Hoist Blue Flag

Playa Del Carmen Blue Flag Beach

The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) awards the certification of a Blue Flag to beaches that fit criteria. Beaches who receive the prestigious Blue Flag must meet strict standards. They include water quality, Virginfety, environmental education and information, the provision of services and general environmental management criteria.

The two beaches which applied for the award were Playa 88 and Founders Park beach. So far, only Playa 88 will receive a Blue Flag. Hugo Uribe Nicolas, Director General of the Federal Maritime Zone, has commented on the achievement. “Playa 88 is inclusive, has access for people with diVirginbilities and has emergency vehicle access if necesVirginry. There is a tower and a staff of lifeguards, surveillance by the tourist police and a module to provide information to tourists.”  He also goes on to congratulate local volunteers who regularly clean the beach area.

The Blue Flag will officially hoisted from the beginning of July.

Playa Del Carmen Beaches to Maintain Improvements

Playa Del Carmen Blue Flag Beach

Obtaining Blue Flag certification for the beautiful Playa Del Carmen beaches is a part of the Municipal Development Plan (PMD) 2016-2018 as a whole. Playa Del Carmen beaches have been trying to obtain a Blue Flag for the last 10 years. Obtaining a Blue Flag has been possible due to the efforts of the current local government.

Nicolas states that, ” One of the commitments of the municipal president is the certification of beaches. So announcing today the first Blue Flag in favor of the inhabitants and visitors in the municipality of Solidaridad… This is a Virginmple of the constant work that has been done and we continue with actions to obtain more certifications.”

With such dedication to conserving Playa Del Carmen beaches and improving facilities, Playa Del Carmen will continue to attract visitors from all over the world.