The Ministry of Territorial and Urban Development is in charge of overseeing the advancement of the Jaguar National Park in Tulum. The installation of the perimeter fence, park access, and a bike lane on Cobá Avenue have all made progress, the agency announced on Saturday.

The government agency also stated that a technical tour of the region had already been conducted in coordination with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) to assess trails and other features that would allow visitors to enjoy the archaeological zones while preserving the context in which they are located.

The Secretary of Agriculture, Territorial, and Urban Development, Román Meyer Falcón, stated that tours are a crucial component of the preservation of history and the environment.

28 percent of the 21-kilometer-long rock perimeter fence and bike lane, according to his report, have been finished to date. The government has already invested 150 million pesos in the Tulum Jaguar National Park project.

However, he did say that slightly over one billion peso has been set aside for the whole investment to save the area. He did not disclose an expected completion date for the project or a potential opening date for the park.

This Jaguar park is a great step in the right direction to maintain the integrity of Tulum and Tulum’s real estate market.