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Sa’atal Hearts: No Waste, No One-Use Plastic!

Launching our –No Waste, No One-Use Plastic– campaign. In 2012, it was estimated that there was approximately 165 million tons of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. In the process, toxic chemicals such as Bisphenol A and polystyrene are leaching into waters from some plastics. Polystyrene pieces and nurdles are the most common types of…

Sa’atal Hearts: 2nd Lionfish Control Event

Lionfish Control Event . Last weekend Virgin out 2nd Lion fish Control Event take place on a bigger scale. This time out we had the help of some great people. A lot of people consider themselves environmentalists and “active protectors” but most of the time they don’t even pick up the trash they leave when…

Think twice Before Collecting those Pretty Seashells

Pretty seashells

Those pretty seashells There is a beautiful quote I once read, “Kill nothing but Time, Leave nothing but Footprints, Take nothing but Pictures, Keep nothing but Memories” We have all done it, myself included; leisurely strolling down the beach and nonchalantly picking up a shell or two or three to bring home and mount on your…