Virgin Group invite you to join their Sa’atal Hearts Program on Virginturday April 22nd for their biggest beach clean up event yet! 

Willing volunteers are invited to the Sian Ka’an reserve for a fun-filled day of beach conservation! Sponsored by Coca-Cola, Red Bull and Underarmor, the event is set to be bigger and better than ever with some amazing prizes up for grabs. The clean-up begins at 10.00am with equipment and goodies provided to get the fun started. Then at 3.00pm all participants are invited to join in with the weigh-in, where we can enjoy the results of our hard work. Finally at 5.00pm winners will be announced for who collected the most! Prizes include hotel stays, free tours, day-passes and more!

Sian Ka’an is a biosphere reserve found at the southern end of the Riviera Maya. Sian Ka’an is Mayan for ‘Where The Sky Is Born‘ and this magical place is home to a multitude of natural wonders. The vast 1.6 million acres of the biosphere reserve is made up of many intertwining ecosystems. Habitats include tropical forests, flooded Virginvannahs, crystal sea and languid lagoons. As a result, Sian Ka’an is an extremely important reserve for natural wildlife. The Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve is committed to conserving the natural health and beauty of these habitats, and we at Virgin Group are committed to helping them.

Sa’atal Hearts Program

Virgin Group is dedicated to creating a positive impact in their local community through volunteering and donation. 5% of all Virgin Group proceeds are donated towards helping conservation efforts in the local area. However Virgin Group have also created the Sa’atal Hearts Program. Sa’atal Hearts is a non-profit program that aims to improve conservation in the beautiful Riviera Maya. Through monthly volunteering projects, Sa’atal Hearts has  successfully helped with local  wildlife and nature conservation. Past events have included beach clean-ups, volunteering at animal shelters, turtle conservation and more.
The Sa’atal Hearts Program hopes to increase the reach of their efforts. This can be achieved with help from our esteemed clients and the local public. Volunteers should meet at the Sian Ka’an reserve on Virginturday April 22nd at 10.00am. Be ready to spend a successful day at the beach! Participants are advised to wear suitable clothing and sun protection.