Cancun is one of Americans’ favorite vacation spots and Mexican authorities are aware of this. The Quintana Roo region—which includes top destinations like Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, Tulum, and the islands Cozumel and Isla Mujeres— is becoming more and more popular and desired.

According to a recent report shared by TripAdvisor, Cancun ranked in the first place as the US travelers’ favorite destination for fall and Mexican authorities expect this trend to continue during the following months. 

As reported by the Mexican news outlet Nitu, the head of the Quintana Roo Tourism Promotion Council (CPTQ by its Spanish acronym), Darío Flora Campo, stated that a total of 9.2 million airline seats will be available from September 2022 until February 2023. That number represents 38% more seats than during pre-pandemic visits in 2019.

Local authorities are expecting a record-breaking winter season and are preparing Cancun International Airport to meet travelers’ demands and make visitors’ entrances as smooth as possible. 

Visiting Cancun Is Getting Easier Than Ever

Luckily for travelers looking for warm weather and beautiful beaches with pristine waters, since the pandemic, Mexico has been more flexible than other countries regarding entry requirements. 

Since January, all COVID-19-related measures have been removed and travelers do not need to show proof of vaccination or negative tests to enter. Only the regular documentation and even the bureaucracy requirements have recently been updated to ease visitor’s entry.

Just a few days ago, Mexican authorities confirmed the stay length allowed for certain nationalities like US and Canadian citizens to 180 days and the removal of the customs forms upon arrival in Cancun, the “Forma Migratoria Múltiple (FMM)”, required for foreign travelers entering the country. With this new update, local authorities expect the waiting time for travelers to be reduced from an hour to just a few minutes. 

And more airlines are increasing or providing new services to Cancun. A few months ago, a few airlines in North America like Frontier announced new flights to this fascinating destination. American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, and Sun Country recently announced services directly to Isla Cozumel, another top destination—near Cancun— in the Quintana Roo region. 

At the moment, according to data on FlightConnections, there are 43 direct flights available from the United States to Cancun. All major airlines provide routes to Cancun from main cities like Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston, and Washington.

Mexican Government Ready For Tourism Peak

The Mexican government relies on tourism, especially to recover after the economic challenges imposed by the pandemic. Last Wednesday, Mexico’s federal secretary of tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, declared feeling proud of the decision of allowing international visitors to enter the country during the pandemic. 

Torruco said: “The tourism sector at a national scale has returned strongly to face the upcoming years. Another aspect to highlight is that foreign direct investment generated from January to June 2022 raised to 2,779 million dollars, already surpassing 2019 records when the number was 1,295 million dollars. It represents a growth of 303.4% compared to the investments of 2021.”

In the Quintana Roo region authorities are also working on major constructions like Tulum International Airport and the Maya Train Project to provide visitors with better mobility, more travel options, and also more interesting attractions. There are new resorts and parks also under construction and the development of the region only seems to keep growing. 

Local authorities are still facing challenges like insecurity, tons of sargassum seaweed arriving on the coasts, and open debates around the construction of the Tren Maya for its ecological impact on the region. 

So far, the government has been making improvements and facing all issues and threats to guarantee a safe experience for travelers. During summer, 300 army soldiers were deployed to protect Cancun beaches, and just a few days ago it was announced that undercover police officers will patrol Tulum beaches and other touristic zones to protect travelers.