According to a recent poll by Atlas & Boots, only Taiwan bested Mexico as the top international destination for ex-pat living. Over 12,000 ex-pats were asked to rank 59 different countries worldwide. In addition to retirees, the rise of remote working over the past several years has added to the number of people seeking out foreign destinations away from expensive American, Canadian, and European cities that provide a lower cost of living and better weather.

The survey encompassed various lifestyle factors like accessibility, cost of living, family friendliness, working hours for local jobs, and COVID-19 restrictions. Where Mexico performed best in the survey was in the “Ease in Settling In” and “Ease of Making New Friends” areas. This makes perfect sense considering Mexico’s close proximity to the United States and Canada, and the well-established Expat communities that already exist, especially in the Riviera Maya areas of Playa del Carmen, Puerto Aventuras, and Tulum.