Mexico City on October 25, 2021.- The first 2 thousand 626 tons of rails was reached to Quintana Roo for the South 5 stretch, which covers Playa del Carmen to Tulum. The railway material arrived from Japan to Puerto Progreso, Yucatán, and was later moved to Quintana Roo.
The first leg of the collection in Quintana Roo concluded on September 25 Transportation was carried out by Sumitomo Corporation of Mexico, following the safety protocol for heavy road material.
The material is being deposited in the facilities of the ex-construction residence of the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT), located at the entrance of Tulum, where approximately 207 tons per day is unloaded. To cover this first half of the gathering process, 80 trailer trips took place from Puerto Progreso to Tulum, Fonatur reported.
To date, the collection represents an advance of 22.44 % of the total scheduled for the South Tranche 5, where it is planned to occupy 16 thousand 201.26 tons of material.
This project section covers 60.3 kilometers and works are carried out by the consortium Group Mexico and Actions Infrastructure, winners of the international public tender for an amount of just over 17 billion pesos.
Land transfer of rails for the Mayan Train advances across the Peninsula. We will continue to receive material until 2022.

Overall progress of work

In section 1, we performed steel mooring and stirrup cimbra for construction of the viaduct. In Balancan, we continue the terracery work with the extension of layers of embankment.

In the 3 stretch in Halachó, Yucatán, we carry out the construction of vehicular steps with steel enabled activities for a fourth trepidado.

On section 4, on Kantunil – Cancun road, we continue construction of containment walls, with armed and laundry activities. We also advance road suit work with terracery work.

As of today, jobs generated by the Mayan Train are 88, 660, reported.